Help at KMPC
If you would like to help with any of these roles please contact the church office for more info
Sunday Morning
Nursery- During the service, we need helpers to watch over and take care of our infants and toddlers. NO NURSERY ATTENDANTS CURRENTLY DUE TO COVID
Ushers- Carry offering plate for service. ON HOLD DURING COVID PROTOCOLS
Greeters- Welcome everyone to the service and hand out bulletins. ON HOLD DURING COVID PROTOCOLS
Coffee Hour Hosts-Setting up and serving refreshments in gym after the service. ON HOLD DURING COVID PROTOCOLS
Junior Church Leaders-Teaching youth ages K-6th Grade with very user-friendly curriculum during Sunday Service. ON HOLD DURING COVID PROTOCOLS
Throughout the Week
Building and Grounds -There are always projects that we could use help with. Contact the church office for more information.